Bodies and body components Standards

Bodies and body components Standards

MFN: 1215
المركبات - الزجاج الآمن والمواد الزجاجية

Technical Code: 7

Price: 35

Related Record:

JS No: 1061

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - الزجاج الآمن والمواد الزجاجية

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: ل غ

Last Status Date: 02/11/2009

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 122

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص بالزجاج الآمن للسيارات وانواع الزجاج

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Safety glazing of glazing materials

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): Appliesto safety glazing and material for glazing intended to be fitted theform of windscreen or other glazing or separating panels on motorvehicles and their trailers

Standard MFN: 1215

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1223
المركبات - مساند الرأس

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1071

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - مساند الرأس

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 28

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص بمساند الراس للمقاعد في المركبات

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Head restraints

Notes (ENG): /

Abstract (ENG): Applies to headrestraints (head rests) forming an integral part of the seat back, ordesigned to be installed on the seat of motor vehicles

Standard MFN: 1223

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1224
المركبات - نظام مساحات وغسل الزجاج

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1063

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - نظام مساحات وغسل الزجاج

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 23

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تطبق على الرؤيا الامامية لسائقي السيارات لضمان رؤية جيدة تحت ظروف جوية سيئة بتحديد شروط لنظام المساحات وغسل الزجاج

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Windscreen wipers/washer system

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): Applies to the 180 Degrees forward field of vision of the drivers of vehicles in category M1. Its purpose is to ensure good visibility under adverse weather conditions by specifying the quirements for the windscreen-wiper and windscreen-washer systems of category M1 vehicles

Standard MFN: 1224

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1225
المركبات - نقاط التثبيت لاحزمة الأمان

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1069

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - نقاط التثبيت لاحزمة الأمان

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 26

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص بنقاط التثبيت لاحزمة الامان في المركبات

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Safety belt anchorages

Notes (ENG): /

Abstract (ENG): Concerns anchorages for motor-vehicle safety belts

Standard MFN: 1225

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1227
المركبات - متانة المقاعد ونقاط تثبيتها

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1068

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - متانة المقاعد ونقاط تثبيتها

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 9

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص بالتجهيزات الداخلية للمركبات (متانة المقاعد و نقاط تثبيتها)

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Strength of seats and their anchorages

Notes (ENG): /

Abstract (ENG): Concernsthe interior fittings of motor vehicles (strength of seats and oftheir anchorages)

Standard MFN: 1227

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1230
المركبات - القيادة

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1067

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - القيادة

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 15

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص بمعدات القيادة للمركبات و مقطوراتها

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Steering

Notes (ENG): /

Abstract (ENG): Concerns steering equipment formotor vehicles and their trailers

Standard MFN: 1230

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1231
المركبات - حماية السائق

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1066

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - حماية السائق

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 23

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص بأنظمة وأجهزة وأدوات حماية السائق في المركبات

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Driver protection

Notes (ENG): /

Abstract (ENG): Concerns interiorfittings of motor vehicles (the behaviour of steering mechanism inthe event of an impact)

Standard MFN: 1231

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1232
المركبات - أحزمة المقاعد

Technical Code: 7

Price: 30

Related Record:

JS No: 1070

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - أحزمة المقاعد

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 66

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص باحزمة الامان و انظمة المساند في المركبات

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Seat belts

Notes (ENG): /

Abstract (ENG): Applies to safety belts andrestraint systems which are designed for installation in vehicles

Standard MFN: 1232

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1233
المركبات - مرايا الرؤية الخلفية

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1065

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - مرايا الرؤية الخلفية

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 48

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص بمرايا الرؤية الخلفية للمركبات

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles : Rear view mirrors

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): this standard specifies conditions that should exist in rear-view mirrors of road vehicles

Standard MFN: 1233

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1235
المركبات - أنظمة التدفئة

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1083

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - أنظمة التدفئة

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 5

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص بأنظمة التدفئة لغرفة الركاب في المركبات

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Heating systems

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): Concerns heating systems for thepassenger compartment of motor vehicles

Standard MFN: 1235

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1237
المركبات - نظام إزالة الصقيع والغباش

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1064

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - نظام إزالة الصقيع والغباش

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 22

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص بنظام ازالة الصقيع والغباش في المركبات

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles- Defrosting and demisting systems

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): it applies to the 180 forward op versionof the drivers of vehicles, its purposeis to ensure good visibility under certain conditions by specifying the requirements for defrosting and demisting systems for the wind screens

Standard MFN: 1237

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1240
المركبات - النتوءات الخارجية

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1099

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - النتوءات الخارجية

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 22

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص بالنتوءات الخارجية للمركبات

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - External projections

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): Concerns externalprojections of motor vehicles

Standard MFN: 1240

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1242
المركبات - إخماد الإشتعال

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1089

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - إخماد الإشتعال

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 9

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص باخماد الاشتعال للمركبات

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Ignition suppression

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): Concerns the suppression ofradio interference produced by spark-ignition engines fitted to motorvehicles

Standard MFN: 1242

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1244
المركبات - خزانات الوقود والحماية الخلفية

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1090

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - خزانات الوقود والحماية الخلفية

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 8

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص بخزانات الوقود والحماية الخلفية للمركبات وقاطراتها

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Fuel tanks and rear under run protection

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): Concerns liquidfuel tanks and rear underrun protection of motor vehicles and theirtrailers

Standard MFN: 1244

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1247
المركبات - أنظمة اخماد الرذاذ

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1086

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - أنظمة اخماد الرذاذ

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 24

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص بأنظمة اخماد الرذاذ للمركبات ومقطوراتها

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Spray suppression systems

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): Concerns thespray-suppression systems of certain categories of motor vehicles andtheir trailers

Standard MFN: 1247

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1252
المركبات - التجهيزات الداخلية

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1098

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - التجهيزات الداخلية

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 27

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تتعلق بالتجهيزات الداخلية للمركبات (الاجزاء الداخلية لغرفة الركاب عدا مرايا الرؤية الخلفية وترتيب ضوابط التحكم والسقف ومساند الظهر وأجزاء المقاعد الخلفية)

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Interior fittings

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): Applies to the interior fittings ofmotor vehicles (interior parts of the passenger compartment otherthan the interior rear-view mirrors, layout of the controls, the roofor sliding roof, the backrest and rear part of the seats)

Standard MFN: 1252

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1256
المركبات - الحماية الجانبية

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1100

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - الحماية الجانبية

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 7

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تتعلق بالحماية الجانبية لانواع معينة من المركبات و قاطراتها

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Lateral protection (side guards)

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): Applies to thelateral protection (side guards) of certain motor vehicles and theirtrailers

Standard MFN: 1256

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1257
المركبات - الأبواب ، الفصالات واللواقط

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1087

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - الأبواب ، الفصالات واللواقط

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 7

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تتعلق بابواب المركبات و قاطراتها

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Doors , locks and hinges

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): Applies to the doors ofmotor vehicles and their trailers

Standard MFN: 1257

Standard No: 1

MFN: 1950
المركبات - الرؤيا الأمامية للسائقين

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1062

JS Date: 01/01/1998

Title: المركبات - الرؤيا الأمامية للسائقين

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 40

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص بالرؤيا الامامية للسائقين لضمان مجال رؤيا كاف عندما يكون الزجاج الامامي و السطوح الزجاجية الاخرى جافة ونظيفة

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Motor vehicles - Drivers forward visibility

Notes (ENG): /

Abstract (ENG): Applies tothe 180 degrees forward field of vision of the drivers of vehicles incategory M1. Its purpose is to ensure an adequate field of visionwhen the windscreen and other glazed surfaces are dry and clean.

Standard MFN: 1950

Standard No: 1

MFN: 2980
مواصفات الأجهزة المخصصة للغاز البترولي المسال - معدات تدفئة الجو التي تعمل على الغاز البترولي المسال الموجود في حجرة مقفلة للتركيب في المركبات والقوارب

Technical Code: 37

Price: 30

Related Record:

JS No: 10159

JS Date: 01/08/2007

Title: مواصفات الأجهزة المخصصة للغاز البترولي المسال - معدات تدفئة الجو التي تعمل على الغاز البترولي المسال الموجود في حجرة مقفلة للتركيب في المركبات والقوارب

Approval Date: 09/10/2007

Last Status: ل غ

Last Status Date: 01/10/2014

Publication Date: 15/11/2007

Effect Date: 15/05/2008

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 58

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تحدد هذه المواصفة متطلبات التصميم والامان لمعدات التدفئة المركبة في المركبات والقوارب التي تعمل على الغاز البترولي المسال.

Legal Situation: خ

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Specifications for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances - Room sealed LPG space heating equipment for installation in vehicles and boats

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): This standard specfies the characteristics of safety, construction, performance and efficiency, the test methods and marking, of room sealed space heating equipment of type C with combustion air intake and outlet for the products of combustion in the wall, roof or floor, combined or not.

Standard MFN: 2980

Standard No: 1

MFN: 3333
مركبات الطرق - مواد التزجيج الآمنة - طرق الاختبار لمقاومة الإشعاع والحرارة المرتفعة والرطوبة والحريق وتقلبات الطقس

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1854

JS Date: 01/04/2008

Title: مركبات الطرق - مواد التزجيج الآمنة - طرق الاختبار لمقاومة الإشعاع والحرارة المرتفعة والرطوبة والحريق وتقلبات الطقس

Approval Date: 24/12/2008

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: 16/05/2009

Publication Date: 16/02/2009

Effect Date: 16/05/2009

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 6

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص هذة المواصفة بطرق الاختبار لمقاومة الاشعاع والحرارة المرتفعة والرطوبة والحريق وتقلبات الطقس

Legal Situation: خ

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Road vehicles - Safety glazing materials - Test methods for resistance to radiation, high temperature, humidity, fire and simulated weathering

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): This standard specifies test methods for resistance to radiation, high temperature, humidity, fire and simulated weathering, relating to the safety requirements for all safety glazing materials in a road vechicle, whatever the type of glass or the material of which they are composed

Standard MFN: 3333

Standard No: 1

MFN: 3423
مواصفات الزجاج الآمن لمركبات الطرق

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1061

JS Date: 01/10/2009

Title: مواصفات الزجاج الآمن لمركبات الطرق

Approval Date: 22/06/2009

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: 02/11/2009

Publication Date: 02/08/2009

Effect Date: 02/11/2009

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 44

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص هذه المواصفة بمعدات الامان لمواصفات الزجاج الخاص بالمركبات .

Legal Situation: ل

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Specification for Road vehicle safety glass

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): This Jordanian Standard specifies requirements for safety glass for installation either as windscreens or as other windows or as partitions in motor vehicles and trailers (see clauses 2-1 and 2-2). This standard also specifies test requirements.

Standard MFN: 3423

Standard No: 1

MFN: 4110
مركبات الطرق - مواد التزجيج الآمنة - طريقة تحديد النفاذية الشمسية

Technical Code: 7

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 1972

JS Date: 01/05/2012

Title: مركبات الطرق - مواد التزجيج الآمنة - طريقة تحديد النفاذية الشمسية

Approval Date: 19/01/2012

Last Status: م ق ا

Last Status Date: 01/06/2012

Publication Date: 01/03/2012

Effect Date: 01/06/2012

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 20

Language: Arabic

Abstract: تختص هذه المواصفة القياسية الأردنية بتحديد طريقة الفحص لتحديد النفاذية الشمسية لمواد التزجيج الآمنة لمركبات الطرق.

Legal Situation: خ

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Road vehicles - Safety glazing materials - Method for the determination of solar transmittance

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): This Jordanian Standard specifies test methods to determine the direct and total solar transmittance of safety glazing materials for road vehicles. Two computational conventions (denoted convention “A” and convention “B”) are included, both of which are consistent with current international needs and practices.

Standard MFN: 4110

Standard No: 1

MFN: 516
زجاج الامان للسيارات - طرق اختبار مقاومة الاشعاع والحرارة المرتفعة والرطوبة

Technical Code:

Price: 20

Related Record:

JS No: 516

JS Date: 01/01/1987

Title: زجاج الامان للسيارات - طرق اختبار مقاومة الاشعاع والحرارة المرتفعة والرطوبة

Approval Date: N/A

Last Status: ل غ

Last Status Date: N/A

Publication Date: N/A

Effect Date: N/A

Withdrawal Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

Page No: 4

Language: Unknown

Abstract: تختص بتحديد طرق فحص و اختبار زجاج السيارات (وسائل النقل البري) و متطلبات السلامة العامة لجميع اصناف زجاج الامان المستعملة في مركبات النقل البري مهما كان نوع الزجاج

Legal Situation: خ

Related Record (ENG):

Title (ENG): Road vehicles - Safety glass - Testmethods for resistance to radiation, high temperature and humidity

Notes (ENG):

Abstract (ENG): Concerns testingmethods of road vehicles safety glass resistance to radiation, hightemperature

Standard MFN: 516

Standard No: 1